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Résultats : 3193  publications trouvées.

Tanyalçin, I.  et al. 2013

Elaborating the phenotypic spectrum associated with mutations in ARFGEF2: case study and literature review

BACKGROUND: The BIG2 protein, coded by ARFGEF2 indirectly assists neuronal proliferation and migration during cortical development. Mutations in ARFGEF2 have been reported as a rare cause of...
Eur. J. Paediatr. Neurol. - issue: 6 - volume: 17 - pages: 666-670.

Bladen, CL.  et al. 2013

The TREAT-NMD Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Registries: Conception, Design, and Utilization by Industry and Academia

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an X-linked genetic disease, caused by the absence of the dystrophin protein. Although many novel therapies are under development for DMD, there is currently no...
Hum. Mutat. - issue: 11 - volume: 34 - pages: 1449-1457.

Oddoux, S.  et al. 2013

Microtubules that form the stationary lattice of muscle fibers are dynamic and nucleated at Golgi elements

Skeletal muscle microtubules (MTs) form a nonclassic grid-like network, which has so far been documented in static images only. We have now observed and analyzed dynamics of GFP constructs of MT and...
J. Cell Biol. - issue: 2 - volume: 203 - pages: 205-213.

Broucqsault, N.  et al. 2013

Dysregulation of 4q35- and muscle-specific genes in fetuses with a short D4Z4 array linked to facio-scapulo-humeral dystrophy

Facio-scapulo-humeral dystrophy (FSHD) results from deletions in the subtelomeric macrosatellite D4Z4 array on the 4q35 region. Upregulation of the DUX4 retrogene from the last D4Z4 repeated unit is...
Hum. Mol. Genet. - issue: 20 - volume: 22 - pages: 4206-4214.

Broucqsault, N.  et al. 2013

Dysregulation of 4q35- and muscle-specific genes in fetuses with a short D4Z4 array linked to facio-scapulo-humeral dystrophy

Facio-scapulo-humeral dystrophy (FSHD) results from deletions in the subtelomeric macrosatellite D4Z4 array on the 4q35 region. Upregulation of the DUX4 retrogene from the last D4Z4 repeated unit is...
Hum. Mol. Genet. - issue: 20 - volume: 22 - pages: 4206-4214.

Broucqsault, N.  et al. 2013

Dysregulation of 4q35- and muscle-specific genes in fetuses with a short D4Z4 array linked to facio-scapulo-humeral dystrophy

Facio-scapulo-humeral dystrophy (FSHD) results from deletions in the subtelomeric macrosatellite D4Z4 array on the 4q35 region. Upregulation of the DUX4 retrogene from the last D4Z4 repeated unit is...
Hum. Mol. Genet. - issue: 20 - volume: 22 - pages: 4206-4214.

Broucqsault, N.  et al. 2013

Dysregulation of 4q35-and muscle-specific genes in fetuses with a short D4Z4 array linked to facio-scapulo-humeral dystrophy

Facio-scapulo-humeral dystrophy (FSHD) results from deletions in the subtelomeric macrosatellite D4Z4 array on the 4q35 region. Upregulation of the DUX4 retrogene from the last D4Z4 repeated unit is...
Hum. Mol. Genet. - issue: 20 - volume: 22 - pages: 4206-4214.

Broucqsault, N.  et al. 2013

Dysregulation of 4q35-and muscle-specific genes in fetuses with a short D4Z4 array linked to facio-scapulo-humeral dystrophy

Facio-scapulo-humeral dystrophy (FSHD) results from deletions in the subtelomeric macrosatellite D4Z4 array on the 4q35 region. Upregulation of the DUX4 retrogene from the last D4Z4 repeated unit is...
Hum. Mol. Genet. - issue: 20 - volume: 22 - pages: 4206-4214.

Broucqsault, N.  et al. 2013

Dysregulation of 4q35- and muscle-specific genes in fetuses with a short D4Z4 array linked to facio-scapulo-humeral dystrophy

Facio-scapulo-humeral dystrophy (FSHD) results from deletions in the subtelomeric macrosatellite D4Z4 array on the 4q35 region. Upregulation of the DUX4 retrogene from the last D4Z4 repeated unit is...
Hum. Mol. Genet. - issue: 20 - volume: 22 - pages: 4206-4214.

Broucqsault, N.  et al. 2013

Dysregulation of 4q35- and muscle-specific genes in fetuses with a short D4Z4 array linked to facio-scapulo-humeral dystrophy

Facio-scapulo-humeral dystrophy (FSHD) results from deletions in the subtelomeric macrosatellite D4Z4 array on the 4q35 region. Upregulation of the DUX4 retrogene from the last D4Z4 repeated unit is...
Hum. Mol. Genet. - issue: 20 - volume: 22 - pages: 4206-4214.

Robin, JD.  et al. 2013

Length dependent telomere looping affects long-distant gene expression (5 Mb) in FSHD

Neuromusc. Disord. - issue: 9-10 - volume: 23 - pages: 824-824.

Ferreboeuf, M.  et al. 2013

DUX 4 and DUX4 downstream target genes are expressed in fetal FSHD muscles

Neuromusc. Disord. - issue: 9-10 - volume: 23 - pages: 823-823.

Ramiandrasoa, C.  et al. 2013

Delayed diagnosis of Sheehan's syndrome in a developed country: a retrospective cohort study

BACKGROUND: Little is known about Sheehan's syndrome (SS), even though it is believed that its incidence is low. The aims of this study were to determine the clinical features and diagnostic delay of...
Eur. J. Endocrinol. - issue: 4 - volume: 169 - pages: 431-438.

Michot, C.  et al. 2013

Finger creases lend a hand in Kabuki syndrome

Kabuki syndrome (KS) is a rare syndrome associating malformations with intellectual deficiency and numerous visceral, orthopedic, endocrinological, immune and autoimmune complications. The early...
Eur. J. Med. Genet. - issue: 10 - volume: 56 - pages: 556-560.

Mali, P.  et al. 2013

Cas9 as a versatile tool for engineering biology

RNA-guided Cas9 nucleases derived from clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-Cas systems have dramatically transformed our ability to edit the genomes of diverse...
Nat Methods - issue: 10 - volume: 10 - pages: 957-963.

Sanchez-Mut, JV.  et al. 2013

DNA methylation map of mouse and human brain identifies target genes in Alzheimer's disease

The central nervous system has a pattern of gene expression that is closely regulated with respect to functional and anatomical regions. DNA methylation is a major regulator of transcriptional...
Brain - issue: Pt 10 - volume: 136 - pages: 3018-3027.

Cacciagli, P.  et al. 2013

Mutations in BCAP31 cause a severe X-linked phenotype with deafness, dystonia, and central hypomyelination and disorganize the Golgi apparatus

BAP31 is one of the most abundant endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane proteins. It is a chaperone protein involved in several pathways, including ER-associated degradation, export of ER proteins to...
Am. J. Hum. Genet. - issue: 3 - volume: 93 - pages: 579-586.

Cacciagli, P.  et al. 2013

Mutations in BCAP31 Cause a Severe X-Linked Phenotype with Deafness, Dystonia, and Central Hypomyelination and Disorganize the Golgi Apparatus

BAP31 is one of the most abundant endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane proteins. It is a chaperone protein involved in several pathways, including ER-associated degradation, export of ER proteins to...
Am. J. Hum. Genet. - issue: 3 - volume: 93 - pages: 579-586.

Cacciagli, P.  et al. 2013

Mutations in BCAP31 cause a severe X-linked phenotype with deafness, dystonia, and central hypomyelination and disorganize the Golgi apparatus

BAP31 is one of the most abundant endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane proteins. It is a chaperone protein involved in several pathways, including ER-associated degradation, export of ER proteins to...
Am. J. Hum. Genet. - issue: 3 - volume: 93 - pages: 579-586.

Cacciagli, P.  et al. 2013

Mutations in BCAP31 cause a severe X-linked phenotype with deafness, dystonia, and central hypomyelination and disorganize the Golgi apparatus

BAP31 is one of the most abundant endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane proteins. It is a chaperone protein involved in several pathways, including ER-associated degradation, export of ER proteins to...
Am. J. Hum. Genet. - issue: 3 - volume: 93 - pages: 579-586.