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Résultats : 3193  publications trouvées.

Mellgren, RL.  et al. 2009

Calcium-dependent plasma membrane repair requires m- or mu-calpain, but not calpain-3, the proteasome, or caspases

Mechanically damaged plasma membrane undergoes rapid calcium-dependent resealing that appears to depend, at least in part, on calpain-mediated cortical cytoskeletal remodeling. Cells null for Capns1,...
Biochim. Biophys. Acta-Mol. Cell Res. - issue: 12 - volume: 1793 - pages: 1886-1893.

Bessi, .  et al. 2009

Refining the clinicopathological pattern of cerebral proliferative glomeruloid vasculopathy (Fowler syndrome): report of 16 fetal cases

Cerebral proliferative glomeruloid vasculopathy (PGV) is a severe disorder of brain angiogenesis, resulting in abnormally thickened and aberrant perforating vessels, forming glomeruloids with...
Eur J Med Genet - issue: 6 - volume: 52 - pages: 386-392.

Solé, G.  et al. 2009

Bilateral periventricular nodular heterotopia in France: frequency of mutations in FLNA, phenotypic heterogeneity and spectrum of mutations

Bilateral periventricular nodular heterotopia (BPNH) is the most common form of periventricular heterotopia. Mutations in FLNA, encoding filamin A, are responsible for the X linked dominant form of...
J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry - issue: 12 - volume: 80 - pages: 1394-1398.

, .  et al. 2009

Consensus guidance for banking and supply of human embryonic stem cell lines for research purposes.

Stem Cell Rev Rep - issue: 4 - volume: 5 - pages: 301-314.

Gaudy-Marqueste, C.  et al. 2009

LMNA, ZMPSTE24, and LBR are not mutated in scleroderma

Scleroderma is a rare multisystemic disease of unknown etiology presumed to develop in genetically predisposed patients. Since patients affected with scleroderma develop clinical features similar to...
Genet Test Mol Biomarkers - issue: 5 - volume: 13 - pages: 635-639.

Stefanovic, S.  et al. 2009

Interplay of Oct4 with Sox2 and Sox17: a molecular switch from stem cell pluripotency to specifying a cardiac fate

Oct4 exerts a dose-dependent dual action, as both a gatekeeper for stem cell pluripotency and in driving cells toward specific lineages. Here, we identify the molecular mechanism underlying this dual...
The Journal of cell biology - issue: 5 - volume: 186 - pages: 665-73.

Cantagrel, V.  et al. 2009

Spatiotemporal expression in mouse brain of Kiaa2022, a gene disrupted in two patients with severe mental retardation

We previously identified an inactivating disruption of the X-linked KIAA2022 gene by a chromosomal rearrangement in two male patients with severe mental retardation. In order to determine if KIAA2022...
Gene Expr. Patterns - issue: 6 - volume: 9 - pages: 423-429.

Ottaviani, A.  et al. 2009

Identification of a perinuclear positioning element in human subtelomeres that requires A-type lamins and CTCF

The localization of genes within the nuclear space is of paramount importance for proper genome functions. However, very little is known on the cis-acting elements determining subnuclear positioning...
EMBO J. - issue: 16 - volume: 28 - pages: 2428-2436.

de Pontual, L.  et al. 2009

Epistasis between RET and BBS mutations modulates enteric innervation and causes syndromic Hirschsprung disease

Hirschsprung disease (HSCR) is a common, multigenic neurocristopathy characterized by incomplete innervation along a variable length of the gut. The pivotal gene in isolated HSCR cases, either...
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. - issue: 33 - volume: 106 - pages: 13921-13926.

de Pontual, L.  et al. 2009

Epistasis between RET and BBS mutations modulates enteric innervation and causes syndromic Hirschsprung disease

Hirschsprung disease (HSCR) is a common, multigenic neurocristopathy characterized by incomplete innervation along a variable length of the gut. The pivotal gene in isolated HSCR cases, either...
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. - issue: 33 - volume: 106 - pages: 13921-13926.

Haddad, M.  et al. 2009

Characterization of a de novo balanced translocation in a patient with moderate mental retardation and dysmorphic features

Moderate mental retardation (MR) could affect up to 3% of the general population. A proportion of these cases has a genetic origin. Genes responsible for mental retardation can be identified taking...
Eur J Med Genet - issue: 4 - volume: 52 - pages: 211-217.

Serradj, N.  et al. 2009

The adaptation of limb kinematics to increasing walking speeds in freely moving mice 129/Sv and C57BL/6

The kinematics of locomotion was analyzed in two strains of great importance for the creation of mutated mice (C56BL/6 and 129/Sv). Different behavioral situations were used to trigger sequences of...
Behav. Brain Res. - issue: 1 - volume: 201 - pages: 59-65.

Rochais, F.  et al. 2009

Hes1 is expressed in the second heart field and is required for outflow tract development

BACKGROUND: Rapid growth of the embryonic heart occurs by addition of progenitor cells of the second heart field to the poles of the elongating heart tube. Failure or perturbation of this process...
PLoS One - issue: 7 - volume: 4 - pages: e6267.

Boissel, S.  et al. 2009

Loss-of-function mutation in the dioxygenase-encoding FTO gene causes severe growth retardation and multiple malformations

FTO is a nuclear protein belonging to the AlkB-related non-haem iron- and 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase family. Although polymorphisms within the first intron of the FTO gene have been...
Am. J. Hum. Genet. - issue: 1 - volume: 85 - pages: 106-111.

Horard, B.  et al. 2009

Global analysis of DNA methylation and transcription of human repetitive sequences

Half of the human genome consists of repetitive DNA sequences. Recent studies in various organisms highlight the role of chromatin regulation of repetitive DNA in gene regulation as well as in...
Epigenetics - issue: 5 - volume: 4 - pages: 339-350.

Boissel, S.  et al. 2009

Loss-of-function mutation in the dioxygenase-encoding FTO gene causes severe growth retardation and multiple malformations

FTO is a nuclear protein belonging to the AlkB-related non-haem iron- and 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase family. Although polymorphisms within the first intron of the FTO gene have been...
Am. J. Hum. Genet. - issue: 1 - volume: 85 - pages: 106-111.

Chassaing, N.  et al. 2009

Phenotypic spectrum of STRA6 mutations: from Matthew-Wood syndrome to non-lethal anophthalmia

Matthew-Wood, Spear, PDAC or MCOPS9 syndrome are alternative names used to refer to combinations of microphthalmia/anophthalmia, malformative cardiac defects, pulmonary dysgenesis, and diaphragmatic...
Hum. Mutat. - issue: 5 - volume: 30 - pages: E673-681.

Chassaing, N.  et al. 2009

Phenotypic spectrum of STRA6 mutations: from Matthew-Wood syndrome to non-lethal anophthalmia

Matthew-Wood, Spear, PDAC or MCOPS9 syndrome are alternative names used to refer to combinations of microphthalmia/anophthalmia, malformative cardiac defects, pulmonary dysgenesis, and diaphragmatic...
Hum. Mutat. - issue: 5 - volume: 30 - pages: E673-681.

Rochais, F.  et al. 2009

Signaling pathways controlling second heart field development

Insight into the mechanisms underlying congenital heart defects and the use of stem cells for cardiac repair are major research goals in cardiovascular biology. In the early embryo, progenitor cells...
Circ Res - issue: 8 - volume: 104 - pages: 933-942.

de Pontual, L.  et al. 2009

Mutational, functional, and expression studies of the TCF4 gene in Pitt-Hopkins syndrome

Pitt-Hopkins syndrome is a severe congenital encephalopathy recently ascribed to de novo heterozygous TCF4 gene mutations. We report a series of 13 novel PHS cases with a TCF4 mutation and show that...
Hum. Mutat. - issue: 4 - volume: 30 - pages: 669-676.