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Résultats : 3193  publications trouvées.

Bartoli, M.  et al. 2007

AAV-mediated delivery of a mutated myostatin propeptide ameliorates calpain 3 but not alpha-sarcoglycan deficiency

Myostatin is a negative regulator of muscle mass whose inhibition has been proposed as a therapeutic strategy for muscle-wasting conditions. Indeed, blocking myostatin action through different...
Gene Ther. - issue: 9 - volume: 14 - pages: 733-740.

Bartoli, M.  et al. 2007

AAV-mediated delivery of a mutated myostatin propeptide ameliorates calpain 3 but not alpha-sarcoglycan deficiency

Myostatin is a negative regulator of muscle mass whose inhibition has been proposed as a therapeutic strategy for muscle-wasting conditions. Indeed, blocking myostatin action through different...
Gene Ther. - issue: 9 - volume: 14 - pages: 733-740.

Bajolle, F.  et al. 2007

[Molecular aspects of congenital heart diseases]

Significant advances in the understanding of the molecular and genetic basis of congenital heart disease have emerged from gene inactivation studies in mice and from human genetic investigations. The...
Arch Mal Coeur Vaiss - issue: 5 - volume: 100 - pages: 484-489.

Engelhardt, S.  et al. 2007

G proteins: more than transducers of receptor-generated signals?

Circ Res - issue: 8 - volume: 100 - pages: 1109-1111.

Baala, L.  et al. 2007

Homozygous silencing of T-box transcription factor EOMES leads to microcephaly with polymicrogyria and corpus callosum agenesis

Neural progenitor proliferation and migration influence brain size during neurogenesis. We report an autosomal recessive microcephaly syndrome cosegregating with a homozygous balanced translocation...
Nat. Genet. - issue: 4 - volume: 39 - pages: 454-456.

Cantagrel, V.  et al. 2007

Truncation of NHEJ1 in a patient with polymicrogyria

Polymicrogyria (PMG) is a common malformation of the human cerebral cortex for which both acquired and genetic causes are known. Although genetic heterogeneity is documented, only one gene is...
Hum. Mutat. - issue: 4 - volume: 28 - pages: 356-364.

Baala, L.  et al. 2007

Homozygous silencing of T-box transcription factor EOMES leads to microcephaly with polymicrogyria and corpus callosum agenesis

Neural progenitor proliferation and migration influence brain size during neurogenesis. We report an autosomal recessive microcephaly syndrome cosegregating with a homozygous balanced translocation...
Nat. Genet. - issue: 4 - volume: 39 - pages: 454-456.

Roux, J.  et al. 2007

Treatment with desipramine improves breathing and survival in a mouse model for Rett syndrome

Rett syndrome (RS) is a severe X-linked neurological disorder in which most patients have mutations in the methyl-CpG binding protein2 (MECP2) gene. No effective treatment exists. We previously showed...
Eur. J. Neurosci. - issue: 7 - volume: 25 - pages: 1915-1922.

Prall, OWJ.  et al. 2007

An Nkx2-5/Bmp2/Smad1 negative feedback loop controls heart progenitor specification and proliferation

During heart development the second heart field (SHF) provides progenitor cells for most cardiomyocytes and expresses the homeodomain factor Nkx2-5. We now show that feedback repression of Bmp2/Smad1...
Cell - issue: 5 - volume: 128 - pages: 947-959.

Huang, Y.  et al. 2007

AHNAK, a novel component of the dysferlin protein complex, redistributes to the cytoplasm with dysferlin during skeletal muscle regeneration

Mutations in dysferlin cause limb girdle muscular dystrophy 2B, Miyoshi myopathy and distal anterior compartment myopathy. Dysferlin is proposed to play a role in muscle membrane repair. To gain...
FASEB J. - issue: 3 - volume: 21 - pages: 732-742.

Milic, A.  et al. 2007

A third of LGMD2A biopsies have normal calpain 3 proteolytic activity as determined by an in vitro assay

Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2A (LGMD2A) is an autosomal recessive muscular disorder caused by mutations in the gene coding for calpain 3, a calcium-dependent protease. We developed an in vitro...
Neuromuscul. Disord. - issue: 2 - volume: 17 - pages: 148-156.

Martinovic-Bouriel, J.  et al. 2007

Matthew-Wood syndrome: report of two new cases supporting autosomal recessive inheritance and exclusion of FGF10 and FGFR2

We describe two fetal cases of microphthalmia/anophthalmia, pulmonary agenesis, and diaphragmatic defect. This rare association is known as Matthew-Wood syndrome (MWS; MIM 601186) or by the acronym...
Am. J. Med. Genet. A - issue: 3 - volume: 143A - pages: 219-228.

Milic, A.  et al. 2007

A third of LGMD2A biopsies have normal calpain 3 proteolytic activity as determined by an in vitro assay

Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2A (LGMD2A) is an autosomal recessive muscular disorder caused by mutations in the gene coding for calpain 3, a calcium-dependent protease. We developed an in vitro...
Neuromusc. Disord. - issue: 2 - volume: 17 - pages: 148-156.

Martinovic-Bouriel, J.  et al. 2007

Matthew-Wood syndrome: report of two new cases supporting autosomal recessive inheritance and exclusion of FGF10 and FGFR2

We describe two fetal cases of microphthalmia/anophthalmia, pulmonary agenesis, and diaphragmatic defect. This rare association is known as Matthew-Wood syndrome (MWS; MIM 601186) or by the acronym...
Am. J. Med. Genet. A - issue: 3 - volume: 143A - pages: 219-228.

Fougerousse, F.  et al. 2007

Phenotypic correction of alpha-sarcoglycan deficiency by intra-arterial injection of a muscle-specific serotype 1 rAAV vector

alpha-Sarcoglycanopathy (limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2D, LGMD2D) is a recessive muscular disorder caused by deficiency in alpha-sarcoglycan, a transmembrane protein part of the...
Mol. Ther. - issue: 1 - volume: 15 - pages: 53-61.

Stefanovic, S.  et al. 2007

Oct-3/4: not just a gatekeeper of pluripotency for embryonic stem cell, a cell fate instructor through a gene dosage effect.

Oct-3/4 encoded by Pou5f1 has been longwise recognised as a gatekeeper for embryonic stem (ES) cell pluripotency. Recently, it was suggested that Oct-3/4 one of the earliest transcription factor of...
Cell Cycle - issue: 1 - volume: 6 - pages: 8-10.

Fougerousse, F.  et al. 2007

Phenotypic correction of alpha-sarcoglycan deficiency by intra-arterial injection of a muscle-specific serotype 1 rAAV vector

alpha-Sarcoglycanopathy (limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2D, LGMD2D) is a recessive muscular disorder caused by deficiency in alpha-sarcoglycan, a transmembrane protein part of the...
Mol. Ther. - issue: 1 - volume: 15 - pages: 53-61.

Jaiswal, JK.  et al. 2007

Patients with a non-dysferlin Miyoshi myopathy have a novel membrane repair defect

Two autosomal recessive muscle diseases, limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2B (LGMD2B) and Miyoshi myopathy (MM), are caused by mutations in the dysferlin gene. These mutations result in poor...
Traffic - issue: 1 - volume: 8 - pages: 77-88.

Rochais, F.  et al. 2007

Real-time optical recording of beta1-adrenergic receptor activation reveals supersensitivity of the Arg389 variant to carvedilol

Antagonists of beta-adrenergic receptors (beta-ARs) have become a main therapeutic regimen for the treatment of heart failure even though the mechanisms of their beneficial effects are still poorly...
J Clin Invest - issue: 1 - volume: 117 - pages: 229-235.

Etchevers, HC.  et al. 2006

Molecular bases of human neurocristopathies

Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. - issue: - volume: 589 - pages: 213-234.