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Résultats : 3200  publications trouvées.

Albarel, F.  et al. 2020

Evaluation of an individualized education program in pituitary diseases: a pilot study.

INTRODUCTION: The low prevalence of pituitary diseases makes patient autonomy crucial, and self-management programs should be more common. OBJECTIVES: To assess the efficacy of an education program...
Eur J Endocrinol - issue: 6 - volume: 183 - pages: 551-559.

Graillon, T.  et al. 2020

Brief CommunicationCirculating tumor DNA is present in the most aggressive meningiomas.

Neurooncol Adv - issue: 1 - volume: 2 - pages: vdaa068.

Cerino, M.  et al. 2020

Autosomal dominant segregation of CAPN3 c.598_612del15 associated with a mild form of calpainopathy

Ann Clin Transl Neurol - issue: 12 - volume: 7 - pages: 2538-2540.

Oei, W.  et al. 2020

Development of an international core domain set for medium, large and giant congenital melanocytic nevi as a first step towards a core outcome set for clinical practice and research

Br J Dermatol - issue: - volume: - pages: bjd.19694.

Verneuil, J.  et al. 2020

The M-current works in tandem with the persistent sodium current to set the speed of locomotion

The central pattern generator (CPG) for locomotion is a set of pacemaker neurons endowed with inherent bursting driven by the persistent sodium current (INaP). How they proceed to regulate the...
PLoS Biol - issue: 11 - volume: 18 - pages: e3000738.

Seipelt, EM.  et al. 2020

Prenatal maternal vitamin D deficiency sex-dependently programs adipose tissue metabolism and energy homeostasis in offspring

In utero environment is crucial to ensure normal development of the fetus and to program metabolic health throughout the life. Beside macronutrients, the role of micronutrients, including vitamin D,...
FASEB J - issue: 11 - volume: 34 - pages: 14905-14919.

Buffet, A.  et al. 2020

Germline mutations in the new E1' cryptic exon of the VHL gene in patients with tumours of von Hippel-Lindau disease spectrum or with paraganglioma.

BACKGROUNDS: The incidence of germline mutations in the newly discovered cryptic exon (E1') of VHL gene in patients with von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease and in patients with paraganglioma or...
J Med Genet - issue: 11 - volume: 57 - pages: 752-759.

Macagno, N.  et al. 2020

Cutaneous Melanocytic Tumors With Concomitant NRASQ61R and IDH1R132C Mutations: A Report of 6 Cases.

We report a series of 6 melanocytic proliferations harboring both NRAS and IDH1 hotspot mutations. Clinically, there was no specific sex-ratio, ages ranged from 18 to 85 years, and the trunk and...
Am J Surg Pathol - issue: 10 - volume: 44 - pages: 1398-1405.

Mougel, G.  et al. 2020

Germinal defects of SDHx genes in patients with isolated pituitary adenoma.

BACKGROUND: The '3PAs' syndrome, associating pituitary adenoma (PA) and pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma (PPGL), is sometimes associated with mutations in PPGL-predisposing genes, such as SDHx or MAX....
Eur J Endocrinol - issue: 4 - volume: 183 - pages: 369-379.

Amodru, V.  et al. 2020

Discordant biological parameters of remission in acromegaly do not increase the risk of hypertension or diabetes: a study with the Liege Acromegaly Survey database.

PURPOSE: Acromegaly is a rare disease due to growth hormone (GH)-secreting pituitary adenoma. GH and IGF-1 levels are usually congruent, indicating either remission or active disease; however, a...
Endocrine - issue: 1 - volume: 70 - pages: 134-142.

Macagno, N.  et al. 2020

Cutaneous Melanocytic Tumors With Concomitant NRASQ61R and IDH1R132C Mutations: A Report of 6 Cases

We report a series of 6 melanocytic proliferations harboring both NRAS and IDH1 hotspot mutations. Clinically, there was no specific sex-ratio, ages ranged from 18 to 85 years, and the trunk and limbs...
Am. J. Surg. Pathol. - issue: 10 - volume: 44 - pages: 1398-1405.

Boezio GL., .  et al. 2020

Endothelial TGF-β signaling instructs smooth muscle cell development in the cardiac outflow tract

The development of the cardiac outflow tract (OFT), which connects the heart to the great arteries, relies on a complex crosstalk between endothelial (ECs) and smooth muscle (SMCs) cells. Defects in...
eLife - issue: - volume: 9 - pages: e57603.

Cerino, M.  et al. 2020

Refining NGS diagnosis of muscular disorders

In our original publication by Sevy et al,1 we described a cohort of patients affected with distal myopathy analysed by a large gene panel approach. Given the rapid evolution of genomic diagnostic...
J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry - issue: - volume: - pages: .

Seipelt, EM.  et al. 2020

Prenatal maternal vitamin D deficiency sex-dependently programs adipose tissue metabolism and energy homeostasis in offspring.

In utero environment is crucial to ensure normal development of the fetus and to program metabolic health throughout the life. Beside macronutrients, the role of micronutrients, including vitamin D,...
FASEB J - issue: - volume: in press - pages: .

Elouej, S.  et al. 2020

Loss of MTX2 causes mandibuloacral dysplasia and links mitochondrial dysfunction to altered nuclear morphology

Mandibuloacral dysplasia syndromes are mainly due to recessive LMNA or ZMPSTE24 mutations, with cardinal nuclear morphological abnormalities and dysfunction. We report five homozygous null mutations...
Nat Comm - issue: 11 - volume: 1 - pages: 4589.

Cabasson, S.  et al. 2020

Early-onset epileptic encephalopathy related to germline PIGA mutations: A series of 5 cases

The molecular diagnosis of early-onset epileptic encephalopathy (EOEE), an expanding field in child neurology, is becoming increasingly possible thanks to the widespread availability of...
Eur J Paediatr Neurol - issue: - volume: 28 - pages: 214-220.

Coopmans, EC.  et al. 2020

Multivariable Prediction Model for Biochemical Response to First-Generation Somatostatin Receptor Ligands in Acromegaly.

CONTEXT: First-generation somatostatin receptor ligands (fg-SRLs) represent the mainstay of medical therapy for acromegaly, but they provide biochemical control of disease in only a subset of...
J Clin Endocrinol Metab - issue: 9 - volume: 105 - pages: .

Amodru, V.  et al. 2020

Correction to: MEN2-related pheochromocytoma: current state of knowledge, specific characteristics in MEN2B, and perspectives.

An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.
Endocrine - issue: 3 - volume: 69 - pages: 695.

Amodru, V.  et al. 2020

MEN2-related pheochromocytoma: current state of knowledge, specific characteristics in MEN2B, and perspectives.

Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2) is a rare hereditary syndrome due to mutations of the proto-oncogene REarranged during Transfection (RET), defined by the association of medullary thyroid...
Endocrine - issue: 3 - volume: 69 - pages: 496-503.

R, .  et al. 2020

Commentary: The Impact of Insulin-Like Growth Factor Index and Biologically Effective Dose on Outcomes After Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Acromegaly: Cohort Study.

Neurosurgery - issue: 3 - volume: 87 - pages: E301-E302.